waiting to complete an OLE action
The SQL below updates records to an access table.
It is causing the error message "Not enough space on temporary disk."
INSERT INTO NS_Pmt_Temporary ( Batch_ID, [Account Num], Line, [Item-Type],
Vendor_Nbr, [Hotel Name], [Hotel Name 2], [Pmt Start Date], [Pmt End Date],
[Date Range], [Amt Paid], [First Night], [Last Night], Nights, Comments )
SELECT No_Show_Data_Brio.[Batch Id], No_Show_Data_Brio.[Account Nbr],
No_Show_Data_Brio.[Line Item], "HOTEL" AS [Item-Type],
No_Show_Data_Brio.[Vend Id Nbr], Hotel_Name_Table.[Item Name] AS [Hotel
Name], Hotel_Name_Table.[Item Name], qPmtDateRange.[Pmt Start Date],
qPmtDateRange.[Pmt End Date], [Pmt Start Date] & " - " & [Pmt End Date] AS
[Date Range], No_Show_Data_Brio.[Paid Amt] AS [Amt Paid],
No_Show_Data_Brio.[Begin Dt] AS [First Night], No_Show_Data_Brio.[End Dt] AS
[Last Night], DateDiff("d",[Begin Dt],[End Dt]) AS Nights,
FROM (No_Show_Data_Brio LEFT JOIN qPmtDateRange ON No_Show_Data_Brio.[Batch
Id] = qPmtDateRange.[Batch Id]) LEFT JOIN Hotel_Name_Table ON
(No_Show_Data_Brio.[Account Nbr] = Hotel_Name_Table.[Account Nbr]) AND
(No_Show_Data_Brio.[Line Item] = Hotel_Name_Table.[Line Item])
WHERE (((No_Show_Data_Brio.[Batch Id])=301911));
The help file suggest the following solutions.
* Free some space by deleting data or by removing unneeded tables, queries,
forms, macros, and modules from your database.
-The database is 600 meg it is not close the 2 gig limit and I have nothing
left to delete.
* Free some space by compressing deleted records out of your database.
-I ran the compact and repair utility on the database and it completed
*Select fewer records. Dynaset-type, forward-only – type, and snapshot-type
Recordset objects record keys and data to the temporary disk.
-I added this parameter "WHERE (((No_Show_Data_Brio.[Batch Id])=301911)"
which reduces the number of records to 39 and the error message still
*Select a different drive for your temporary disk.
-I don't know how to do this. Can anyone tell me how to do this or suggest
any other solution to this problem?
I have also deleted files from my C:\WINXP\Temp folder as well as temporary
internet files. I have 40Gig of free space and 0% fragmentation on the local
I don't know what else to do to resolve this problem!
It is causing the error message "Not enough space on temporary disk."
INSERT INTO NS_Pmt_Temporary ( Batch_ID, [Account Num], Line, [Item-Type],
Vendor_Nbr, [Hotel Name], [Hotel Name 2], [Pmt Start Date], [Pmt End Date],
[Date Range], [Amt Paid], [First Night], [Last Night], Nights, Comments )
SELECT No_Show_Data_Brio.[Batch Id], No_Show_Data_Brio.[Account Nbr],
No_Show_Data_Brio.[Line Item], "HOTEL" AS [Item-Type],
No_Show_Data_Brio.[Vend Id Nbr], Hotel_Name_Table.[Item Name] AS [Hotel
Name], Hotel_Name_Table.[Item Name], qPmtDateRange.[Pmt Start Date],
qPmtDateRange.[Pmt End Date], [Pmt Start Date] & " - " & [Pmt End Date] AS
[Date Range], No_Show_Data_Brio.[Paid Amt] AS [Amt Paid],
No_Show_Data_Brio.[Begin Dt] AS [First Night], No_Show_Data_Brio.[End Dt] AS
[Last Night], DateDiff("d",[Begin Dt],[End Dt]) AS Nights,
FROM (No_Show_Data_Brio LEFT JOIN qPmtDateRange ON No_Show_Data_Brio.[Batch
Id] = qPmtDateRange.[Batch Id]) LEFT JOIN Hotel_Name_Table ON
(No_Show_Data_Brio.[Account Nbr] = Hotel_Name_Table.[Account Nbr]) AND
(No_Show_Data_Brio.[Line Item] = Hotel_Name_Table.[Line Item])
WHERE (((No_Show_Data_Brio.[Batch Id])=301911));
The help file suggest the following solutions.
* Free some space by deleting data or by removing unneeded tables, queries,
forms, macros, and modules from your database.
-The database is 600 meg it is not close the 2 gig limit and I have nothing
left to delete.
* Free some space by compressing deleted records out of your database.
-I ran the compact and repair utility on the database and it completed
*Select fewer records. Dynaset-type, forward-only – type, and snapshot-type
Recordset objects record keys and data to the temporary disk.
-I added this parameter "WHERE (((No_Show_Data_Brio.[Batch Id])=301911)"
which reduces the number of records to 39 and the error message still
*Select a different drive for your temporary disk.
-I don't know how to do this. Can anyone tell me how to do this or suggest
any other solution to this problem?
I have also deleted files from my C:\WINXP\Temp folder as well as temporary
internet files. I have 40Gig of free space and 0% fragmentation on the local
I don't know what else to do to resolve this problem!