Not sure if this is right group for info on...




Not exactly sure but I'm looking for assistance in PHP and couldn't
locate any specific PHP newsgroup so I figured next best thing would be web

I'm having trouble with a piece of code that returns an error, if any one
can help I'd greatly appreciate it.

Code on line 69:
if (preg_match ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/items/home/",
$color = "#000000";
$color2 = "#111111";

Warning: Unknown modifier 'h' in
/home/shares/web/superstore/www/phpinc/banner.php on line 69

Thank you in advance and once again in help in solving this code or leading
me to a proper newsgroup would be appreciated!

David Bartosik - MS MVP

The Microsoft newsgroups are product specific, this one is for users of
Publisher. More specifically users of Publisher using it for web pages. The
forum titles read left to right, product then functionality. Microsoft has
ASP and ASP.NET so you won't find anything for PHP in the Microsoft
Suggest you google for PHP forums.

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