NumberFormat vs NumberFormatLocal


Martin V

Hi, our application is exporting data to a spreadsheet. Using the
Excel.Application object. We are formatting the date fields using

app.Range(strCol & strRow).EntireColumn.NumberFormatLocal = "standard"

This usually works just fine, however sometimes some of the rows gets a
different format. E.g.
12.12.2003 Right aligned
12/12/2003 left aligned
Then I made this small macro that adds a comment with the NumberFormat and
NumberFormatLocal for the cells. And all the cells hadåååå In Numberformatlocal
d/m/yyyy in NumberFormat
So some of the rows were using NumberFormatLocal to format the dates while
some others were using NumberFormat. I then tried to change the format on
some the cells that were using just numberFormat, but it still showed in
the NumberFormat.

So I was wondering how does excel decide which format to use?
And does anyone know the values NumberFormatLocal can have?
Regards Martin

Dave Peterson

From someone who's never had to worry about international issues.

I would think that by using the .numberformat, you wouldn't have to worry about
all the codes that represent year (yyyy/jjjj/who the heck knows).

I think xl will do the conversion when it hits the worksheet.

(I've never seen a numberformatlocal of standard, but I have used
numberformat="General", but that's not what you need with dates.)

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