ODBC query oddity


Arvi Laanemets


Let's have an Excel workbook SQLTest with a table on Sheet1: Key, Times (in
columns A and B).
In column Key are some key values, p.e. "AAA", "BBB", "CCC"
In column Times are some time values, p.e. working hours. You may format the
column as "[hh]:mm".

Define named range XXX p.e. as Sheet1!$A1:$B10, i.e. it contains both
columns Key and Times.
Save the workbook.

On Sheet2, Create an ODBC query from range XXX like:
SELECT XXX.Key, Sum(XXX.Times) AS Hours
WHERE (XXX.Key<>'')

Now, whenever all time values on Sheet1 are less than 24 hours, the query
works OK. But when you enter times >=24 hours, for every such entry the
query adds extra 24 hours!

I tested this on 3 different computers - 2 with Office2000 and one with
Office2007 - with same result.

(Analysis Toolpack Add-In was installed and activated on all those

Has someone had same problem before? And is there some remedy for it?
Thanks in advance!
Arvi Laanemets

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