OE removed access to attachment



After recently updating my Outlook Express I have received
an email with attachment that I know to be safe but it
contains the message "OE removed access to the following
unsafe attachments in your mail". How do I retrieve this
attachment and prevent OE from removed further attachments
from this source?

Van T. Dinh

Use the Menu Tools / Options ... / Security tab and uncheck the option "Do
not allow attachments ...". Be very selective in open attachments.

For the current attachment, click the Forward button.

BTW, you posted to the wrong newsgroup. This newsgroup is for Microsoft
Access, a database application.


-----Original Message-----
After recently updating my Outlook Express I have received
an email with attachment that I know to be safe but it
contains the message "OE removed access to the following
unsafe attachments in your mail". How do I retrieve this
attachment and prevent OE from removed further attachments
from this source?


-----Original Message-----
After recently updating my Outlook Express I have received
an email with attachment that I know to be safe but it
contains the message "OE removed access to the following
unsafe attachments in your mail". How do I retrieve this
attachment and prevent OE from removed further attachments
from this source?

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