Offline address book synchronization issue



Hello all:

One of our executives is receiving this error frequently in Outlook

14:27:56 Synchronizer Version 11.0.8000
14:27:56 Could not connect to public folder server.
14:27:56 [8004011D-526-80040115-0]
14:27:56 The Microsoft Exchange Server computer is not available.
Either there are network problems or the Microsoft Exchange Server
computer is down for maintenance. (/o=First Organization/ou=First
Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=EXCHANGE)
14:27:56 Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store
14:27:56 For more information on this failure, click the URL below:
14:27:56 Not downloading Offline address book files (stored on
public folder server).
14:27:56 Synchronizing Mailbox %user%
14:27:56 Synchronizing Hierarchy
14:27:56 Terminated in error
14:27:56 [80040115-514-0-921]
14:27:56 Network problems are preventing connection to the
Microsoft Exchange Server computer.
14:27:56 Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store
14:27:56 For more information on this failure, click the URL below:

(both URLs in the error message are dead)

While at first glance this appears to be a server issue, this person
is so far the only one having this problem. I was having similar
problems with my own mailbox awhile ago, but that turned out to be
because I was running my mailbox account under a different account
that had domain admin privileges, and Outlook didn't like that for
some reason. However, that situation does not apply in this case.

Our mail server is running Exchange 2003 with the latest service packs
and updates. This person's mailbox is running in cached Exchange
mode, and needs to stay that way.

All of the solutions I've seen so far are related to global server
problems, but I strongly believe that is not the case here. My guess
is it's either a client-side issue or a permissions issue, but I don't
know where to start looking. Any ideas?

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