-> OL2007: Adding a table in HTML mail? Not possible? <-




I'd like to be able to insert a table in my HTML messages,
but the Table button in the ribbon remains grayed out
no matter what!

The beautiful optimmistic help file tells me to click this
button though.

Any explanation for this?

(This is a freeware feature, I don't understand it's lacking
in a $$$ product).

Also I don't have Word at all, so please don't tell me I
should have it. Again, this is a basic capability found
in most freeware email clients!

Otherwise, can I insert my table manually as HTML code

Thanks for any help


(Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)

Pat Willener

I don't know OL2007, so I don't know about tables or HTML source coding.
I use OL2003, and whenever I need to insert some advanced HTML code, I
build it in a HTML editor, preview the result, then copy and paste it
into the Outlook editor.


I don't know OL2007, so I don't know about tables or HTML source coding.
I use OL2003, and whenever I need to insert some advanced HTML code, I
build it in a HTML editor, preview the result, then copy and paste it
into the Outlook editor.

Well, I tried that of course, but it doesn't interpret the HTML code.
It just displays it as is. Which sounds logical.


It is an HTML email, isn't it?

Yes it is! "Options->Format->HTML
I can format the text using the format buttons like bold,
italic, etc.
Did you place the cursor into the message field?

Message fied? What do you mean? The area where we type in the
mail message content? Of course, yes.
But you can't type in HTML directly there, can you?

But still, the Insert->Table button remains grayed out in the ribbon.

And I can't find a way to type HTML tags that are interpreted as
HTML tags, they just appear as plain text.


Pat Willener

Steve said:
Well, I tried that of course, but it doesn't interpret the HTML code.
It just displays it as is. Which sounds logical.

I don't copy/paste the HTML source code, but the preview (rendered display).

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

That's right, you cannot type HTML tags into that field. I'm sorry I can't
tell you why your button is greyed out.

Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Outlook Categories? Category Manager Is Your Tool:

Am Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:35:35 +0200 schrieb Steve JORDI:

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