onenote 2007 problem - high cpu usage and endless onenote.exe proc



hi from brazil. i have a hard problem with onenote. i can start and use
it, but when i close the program the process continues endless, days and
days on. it was working correctly, but two week ago the error started.
i've tried google it, but it was useless. tried to wait days with the
notebook turned on and the process running... useless too. tried to
delete the onenote cache... didn't work too. tried to unistall and
install again... the problem remains.
besides the endless process, that i can finish from process manager (
but it once i use onenote and close, it comes back fiercely and never
stops), the program itself became unstable. if i try to backup my
notebooks it crashes. same thing with printing, opening other notebooks,
cache optimizing...
some data:
onenote.exe uses 50%~90% CPU power (normaly it uses only 20%~30%)
i use a hp tx2627 - atlhon 2.1 - 3g ram...
sorry the bad english.... hope someone solves this mistery problem!


error information - in portuguese-br
Um problema fez com que esse programa parasse de interagir com o Windows.

Assinatura do problema:
Nome do Evento de Problema: AppHangB1
Nome do aplicativo: ONENOTE.EXE
Versão do Aplicativo: 12.0.6415.1000
Carimbo de Data/Hora do Aplicativo: 492b2527
Assinatura com Falha: 7040
Tipo com Falha: 0
Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7600.
Identificação da Localidade: 1046
Assinatura Adicional com Falha 1: 704025bb0fd0e268b9b46ace65a81c0a
Assinatura Adicional com Falha 2: cb16
Assinatura Adicional com Falha 3: cb16325b1a9b98a01d1371a1f9333e2f
Assinatura Adicional com Falha 4: 7040
Assinatura Adicional com Falha 5: 704025bb0fd0e268b9b46ace65a81c0a
Assinatura Adicional com Falha 6: cb16
Assinatura Adicional com Falha 7: cb16325b1a9b98a01d1371a1f9333e2f

Erik Sojka

I don't know what the options would be called in Portugese or the layout of
the options screen, but can you turn off the options under Tools | Options
for Audio search, recognition in pictures, and Optimizing Files? Those are
various tasks that run when the computer is idle.

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