Only want the first 3 letters to show



Is there some way I can alter this code or use properties so as only the
first 3 letters of the last name will show from the last name!
=IIf(DLookUp("OwnerLastName","tblOwnerInfo","OwnerID=" & [tbOwnerID])="" Or
IsNull(DLookUp("OwnerLastName","tblOwnerInfo","OwnerID=" &
[tbOwnerID])),"",DLookUp("OwnerLastName","tblOwnerInfo","OwnerID=" &

Thanks in advance.........Bob Vance

Tom Wickerath

Hi Bob,

The Left function can be used for this purpose:

Left([Expression], n)

where n = the number of characters (3 in your case).

Your expression looks truly horrid. What are you trying to accomplish? There
may be an easier way to get to the same result, rather than using a
conditional IF with a domain aggregrate function.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


Why don't you simplify your experssion:

Left(DLookUp("OwnerLastName","tblOwnerInfo","OwnerID=" & [tbOwnerID]),3)

If the Dlookup is null or "" then you don't return any value, but if you
must have the zero length string you can also use the Nz() function.

Another trick to test for null and "" is
len(DLookUp("OwnerLastName","tblOwnerInfo","OwnerID=" & [tbOwnerID]) = 0.
This will detect both a zero length string and null instead of testing for

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