open a userlevel secured mdb



i need to access a user level secured back end mdb. i know
the username and the pwd.
i tried to create a workspace-object with the user/pwd
combination and then open the mdb in that workspace. it
failed. any ideas?

Scott McDaniel

If the db was properly secured, you'll need the workgroup it was secured
with and an appropriate user/pass combination. Otherwise, outside of
purchasing one of the many password recovery tools out there, you're pretty
much out of luck.


sorry, i was explaining it wrong:

2 applications (app1, app2) each with a frontend mde and a
secured back end mdb.
i tried to access data inside app2 from app1 using vba
code. thanks for re-thinking of my problem



dim dbe as privdbengine, ws as workspace, db as database, rs as recordset
set dbe = new privdbengine
with dbe
' start Jet.
.systemdb = "C:\blah.mdw"
.defaultuser = "Tom"
.defaultpassword = "secret"
' open workspace, database, recordset.
set ws = .workspaces(0)
set db = ws.opendatabase ("path to secured back-end")
set rs = db.openrecordset ( ... )
( ... work with recordset ... )
set rs = nothing
set db = nothing
set ws = nothing
End With
set dbe = nothing


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