Order of events with Treeview control


Ken Warthen

I have treeview and listview controls on an Access 2007 form that display
project folders and files stored on a company server. When a folder is
clicked or double clicked in the treeview control, any files within that
folder are displayed in the listview control. Because the folder and file
information is being read from a server there can be something of performance
delay before the information is displayed. The delay is not too bad, but I'd
like to provide the user some information that the files and folders are
being processed, so I have a label on the form where I want to set the
caption to something like "Project data being processed..." whenever a folder
is clicked or double clicked on the treeview and then change the label
caption to "" once the files have been displayed in the listview.

My problem stems from my lack of knowledge among other things, of the order
of treeview events like DblClick, Expand, NodeClick, etc. I've looked on
MSDN but most of the information provided there is for VB.NET, C#, and web
developers. I've tried a number of combinations but can't seem to get it
working right. Feedback from anyone with expertise using these controls in
Access will be greatly appreciated. TIA.


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