Organisation Charts & Cable Block Diagrams (What's The Difference?)



Hi Folks

I've a need to produce a very large Cable Block Diagram this comprises of some
500+ items which are indiviually cabled to about 50 junction boxes which are
then connected to 10 junction boxes which are then connected to 1 of 4 panels
with are then connected to 1 system.

I have a simple excel list with 2 columns
Column 1 Tag Reference of the subordinate item
Column 2 Tag Reference of it's associated superior item.

i.e. as we work down the chart items that were in the second column get repeated
in the first column (hope that makes sense)

It became obvious that this shouldn't be at all difficult to generate
automatically, after all what I'm producing is exactly the same as a very big
organisation chart. I'd like the layout do read from Left (Subordinate) to Right
(Superior) Which Visio 2003 also appears to support.

No such luck using the wizard I find that no matter how big I set the page size
to (I Want A1 or A0) I end up with the lot being broken down into very small
chunks over 100 odd pages.

What am I doing wrong, or is there another way.

Please not far from a Visio expert up till now it's been very simple flowcharts
and the like



Al Edlund

What I would probably do is open an orgchart diagram and have the wizard
create an excel file for me. I would then enter the data
superior/subordinate that you have described into the table that visio
supplies to test that I was entering the data correctly. This then becomes
my template for the "wiring" project, and I move on from there. To give
myself some additional controls I might use the command line functions (do a
search on orgwiz in help).

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