Outline Numbering - Only 9 levels?


frank s

I have a legal document where I need to customize more than 9 outline
numbering levels.


I. Level 1
A. Level 2
1. Level 3
a. Level 4
(1) Level 5
(a) Level 6
1) Level 7
a) Level 8
1/ Level 9
a/ LEVEL 10

Is this at all possible? I don't see anywhere in the Customize
Outline Number List formating where I can add another level. Is there
some sort of workaround? Please help me soon!

- Frank

Bruce Brown


To add a 10th level to the existing 9 you need only a SEQ field.

For the first level 10 in a sequence, use the \r switch to start at a:

{ SEQ a \*Alphabetic \*Lower \r 1 }/

For each higher number thereafter, leave out the switch:

{ SEQ a \*Alphabetic \*Lower }/

You can just press Ctrl-F9 and type in the junk between the brackets.
Alt-F9 toggles the field between code and result.

The "/" following the SEQ field puts in the slash you need to follow
the number.

The only caveat here is that you have to do all the re-starting
manually, so you have to keep a careful eye on level 10.

Also, be aware that each time you use a SEQ field you have to select
it and update it. An easy way to update all fields is to change the
view with Alt-f-v, then hit Esc. That way you won't lose your place
in the document.

If you needed the number to be I.A.1.a.(1)(a)1)a)1/a/ that can be done
too, but it doesn't sound as if that's what you're looking for.

- Bruce

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