Outlook 2007 Appointment built-in control id for Send button Optio



I have a COM addin that I am working on (in VB6) for use in Outlook
2007. One of the things I am trying to do is to intercept the "Send"
button on the appointment form.

I have written some XML for this (in the
IRibbonExtensibility_GetCustomUI function) and it works fine for the
"Send" button on the menu in the appointment form but I cannot
intercept the main "big button" that says "Send" on the appointment
fom that is located under the Ribbon and to the left side of the
"To";"Subject" and "Location" boxes.

I looked at the list of control name id's specified in the excel sheet
from Microsoft for Outlook and that is where I got the control name
for the other menu send buttons, but I couldn't identify the large
Send button.

Here is the XML code I am using:

"<customUI xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/
customui"">" & _
"<commands>" & _
"<command idMso=""SendItem"" onAction=""SendButton_Action"" />" &
"</commands>" & _

Does anyone know what the control name for the large Send button on
the appointment form is? Is it even considered part of the Ribbon or
should I be capturing it another way?

Lastly, is there any type of utility out there that let's you open an
Office application and point to a control on the window and have it
identify the Control Name/ID for you?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Open the QAT customization dialog and if you hover over a command it should
show the name.

For a meeting request it should be SendDefault in the GroupSend group in the
TabNewMailMessage tab.


Hi Ken,

Thanks for the reply. However, I am still not able to capture (via a
callback) the Large Send button on the Meeting form to the left of the "TO,
SUBJECT, LOCATION" boxes. I think my XML is still somehow messed up. Here are
the different XML strings I tried and the result I got from each:

"<customUI xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui"">"
& _
"<ribbon>" & _
"<tabs>" & _
"<tab idMso=""TabNewMailMessage"">" & _
"<group idMso=""GroupSend"">" & _
"<button idMso=""SendDefault"" onAction=""SendButton_Action"" />" & _
"</group>" & _
"</tab>" & _
"</tabs>" & _
"</ribbon>" & _

This resulted in the error:
"Failed to find Office control by ID
ID: TabNewMailMessage"

"<customUI xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui"">"
& _
"<ribbon>" & _
"<tabs>" & _
"<tab idMso=""TabAppointment"">" & _
"<group idMso=""GroupSend"">" & _
"<button idMso=""SendDefault"" onAction=""SendButton_Action"" />" & _
"</group>" & _
"</tab>" & _
"</tabs>" & _
"</ribbon>" & _

(Used the Tab Group Name: TabAppointment instead)
This resulted in the error:
"Controls in a built-in group cannot be modified: SendDefault"

3) This works for the Send button located under the big round button with
the Office symbol on it in the top left hand corner (I don't know the name of
this or if it is just considered part of the QAT), but it did not work for
the Large Send button.

"<customUI xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui"">"
& _
"<commands>" & _
"<command idMso=""SendItem"" onAction=""SendButton_Action"" />" & _
"</commands>" & _

Any help you could give me on what I'm doing wrong to try and get a callback
for that button would be greatly appreciated.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

If that didn't work then I'm not sure what if anything would work. You might
have to settle for handling the item.Send event instead.

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