Outlook 2007/Vista 64/ "Cannot open the Outlook Window"


Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

I got Outlook to open after doing this, but it's as if it is a brand new
program. I lost 3 years of saved files. Is there a way to recover them?

Resetting the Navigation Pane does not do this. Open the Mail applet in
Control Panel and click the Show Profiles button. How many profiles do you
see? If more than one, one of them will be your old profile. Select that as
the one to open.

If you have only one, click the Data Files tab and click Add. Browse to your
old PST, select it, and click OK. The use the Set as Default button to return
Outlook to its former state.


Brian, you are a computer god! Thank you. I thought all was lost and now it
is found!!

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

Brian, you are a computer god! Thank you. I thought all was lost and now it
is found!!

Glad to hear it. Which of my suggestions proved the correct one?



You should be Knighted for slaying this firebreathing dragon.
Many, many THANKS !!!!!

Once I got to my Office12 folder with my commandline window, outlook.exe
/resetnavpane brought Outlook back to full function immediately. From
now on, I'll be SURE that Outlook is closed BEFORE I SLEEP my laptop. Bad
move on my part, GREAT SOLUTION on yours!!


This discussion looks like the solution I need but I am not sure how to run
that command: outlook.exe /resetnavpane?
I tried the run command and it is not working.
Can someone clarify this for me?

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

This discussion looks like the solution I need but I am not sure how to run
that command: outlook.exe /resetnavpane?
I tried the run command and it is not working.
Can someone clarify this for me?

With Outlook closed, click Start (the Windows orb), then Run. Enter

outlook.exe /resetnavpane

in the Open field, being sure to include the space after ".exe", then press
Enter or click OK. For Vista, instead of clicking Run, you can enter the
command into the Search box on the Start menu or you can add the Run command
to the Start menu by right-clicking the Taskbar, choosing Properties,
selecting the Start Menu tab, clicking Customize, locating the Run command and
checking it, then OKing out of all the dialogues. You can also simply press
WinKey+R to display the Run dialogue.


Thanks so much! Your link was the only one that told me how to use the
windows button +R to get the restnavpane to run. It worked instantly.


OMG I could kiss you! I tried pretty much everything everyone else had tried
.... even went so far as to research switch parameters for LookOut ... this
fixed it. Microsoft should sticky this. Thank you VERY much!

Ms. Rouen Sterling


Thanks alot - it just unwrapped and reentered all I had in my outlook files
and now I can enjoy my mail again. Million thanks


Hi, Im having the same issue today and the outlook.exe /resetnavpane doesn't
seem to be working for me... Am I doing something wrong?



app1967 said:
Hi, Im having the same issue today and the outlook.exe /resetnavpane
seem to be working for me... Am I doing something wrong?


Possibly... is there a space between exe and / ?

Was outook closed before using the switch - verify in task manager,
processes tab. (It should be closed in your case since outlook won't

if it still doesn't work, paste the following line in the address bar
or windows explorer and delete the xml file for your profile
(profile_name.xml) and see if outlook starts for you.

'Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center' (http://www.slipstick.com)

'Outlook Tips' (http://www.outlook-tips.net/)

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