Outlook ContactItem Flag Status


Silas Peter


Is there any way that the following fields of an Outlook Contact Item can be

Flag Status
Follow Up Flag
Reminder Time
Reminder Topic


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Version of Outlook?

I don't know what Reminder Topic would be, do you mean the text for the
flag? That would be the FlagRequest property.

Those properties aren't exposed in the Outlook object model for contacts,
except for a couple exposed in Outlook 2007. Those are ReminderSet (Boolean)
and ReminderTime (Date).

If you are using Outlook 2007 you can use the new PropertyAccessor object of
the contact item to work with the properties not exposed by the object
model. For that you'd use the DASL property tags of those properties with
PropertyAccessor. Here are the DASL property tags (these are not URL's, they
are string property tags to use with PropertyAccessor):

FlagRequest flag text "urn:schemas:httpmail:messageflag"

FlagDueBy date/time flag is due, for contacts same as ReminderTime

ReminderTime reminder time "urn:schemas:calendar:remindernexttime"

FlagStatus olFlagStatus enum

FlagIcon olFlagIcon enum

ReminderMinutesBeforeStart 0 for contacts, offset for appointments

If you are using earlier versions of Outlook PropertyAccessor isn't
available. You would have to use a lower level API such as CDO 1.21
(deprecated and only for unmanaged code), Extended MAPI (unmanaged C++ or
Delphi only) or a MAPI wrapper such as Redemption

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