owc chChartTypeRadarLineMarkers?



Greetings, I am making a report via Web using Microsoft Office Web Components
(OWC), this consists of a graph typo radar to which the data go to him
through an adjustment, the code asp is thus:
Set ExcelChart = CreateObject( "OWC.Chart" ) ' also I have proven with
owc10 and 11
set v_ctts = ExcelChart.Constants
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Type = v_ctts.chChartTypeRadarLineMarkers
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).Font.color = v_color_eje_z
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).Font.size = 8
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).Line.Color = v_color_fuente_z
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).Line.weight = 2

ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).HasMajorGridlines = true
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).MajorGridlines.Line.color =
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).MajorGridlines.Line.weight = 1
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).Font.name = "Verdana"
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 0 ).Font.color = "black"
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 1 ).HasMajorGridlines = true
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 1 ).MajorGridlines.Line.color =
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 1 ).MajorGridlines.Line.weight = 1
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 1 ).Font.name = "Verdana"
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).Axes( 1 ).Font.color = "#527594"

' serie de valores 1
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection.Add
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 0 ).SetData
v_ctts.chDimCategories, v_ctts.chDataLiteral, v_categorias
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 0 ).SetData
v_ctts.chDimValues, v_ctts.chDataLiteral, v_valores1
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 0 ).Caption = v_caption_nivel_1
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 0 ).Line.Color =
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 0 ).Interior.Color =
v_color_nivel_1 ' filling color, this works well
' serie de valores 2
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection.Add
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 1 ).SetData
v_ctts.chDimCategories, v_ctts.chDataLiteral, v_categorias
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 1 ).SetData
v_ctts.chDimValues, v_ctts.chDataLiteral, v_valores2
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 1 ).Caption = v_caption_nivel_2
' this is the important line (since it says to me that the object does
not accept this property or method)
ExcelChart.Charts( 0 ).SeriesCollection( 1 ).Interior.Font.ColorIndex =
v_ctts.xlColorIndexNone 'also I assign -4142 to him that is the value of the
constant but it follows equa
What I need:
The radar graph needs that the first series has a filling color, which
is obtained with: ExcelChart.Charts (0) .SeriesCollection (0). Interior.Color.
The second series needs that it does not have filling, that is to say,
that is transaparente (it does not serve to me placing it in target) this is
obtained from excel in the macros of vb with ExcelChart.Charts (0)
..SeriesCollection (1). Interior.Font.ColorIndex = v_ctts.xlColorIndexNone,
but via asp says to me that the object does not recognize this property or
Question: Like puesdo to make this route asp?

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

I'm not sure why you are using the colorindex property, it is an index into
the color palette of the workbook which can change from user to user. Set
the color property to a know color so that green will be green on every
computer where as colorindex 10 may be green on one user's desktop and red
on another depending on the color palette being used.

Warm regards,
Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

[Shameless Author plug]
Professional VSTO.NET - Wrox/Wiley
The O.W.C. Black Book with .NET
www.lulu.com/owc, Amazon
Blog: http://www.msmvps.com/blogs/alvin

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