
i there,

can someone please help me with the following: I would like to use the
Analysis Toolpak add-in together with OWC 11.
I have two objects on my website through the following:

<object id = 'excel' classid = 'CLSID:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046'>
<param name="XMLData" value='<%= SSxml %>' />

<object id="atp"

The spreadsheet class is working fine, I can load a xml spreadsheet in C# by
"xlsheet.XMLURL = MapPath("../XML/file.xml");"

I have added a reference to the ATP.dll of OWC11, and it 's showing up as

Somehow I can't get it attached to the loaded spreadsheet, whatever I do the
functions referenced give a #NAME error.

Does anybody have a sample how to load this toolpak in C#?

Thanks in advance, kind regards,

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