PaperSize = 5 (Legal) AutoCorrect SR 1/1a




Read a Post from:
cynthia wrote:
how can I get a report to stay 11x17.
When I send it out to users it goes back to 8.5X11

And Fred's reply RE: Q240826 'Lost Printer Settings when Name Autocorrect
is turned on'
Turn off the Name AutoCorrect feature as a temporary 'fix'.
Then download and install the Service Release 1/1a.

Well AutoCorrect is off and all SRs installed upto and including SR-3.
Still doesn't work.

Found a code snippet to programically set the papersize for a form:

Tried modifying it for Report.
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
With Reports(0).Printer
..Orientation = acPRORPortrait
End With
End Sub

Returns Error: 2465 Application defined or object defined error.

Also found a snippet that used
..PaperSize = 5 ' Legal
But haven't been able to get that working either.

Does someone know where the answer can be found?
