Passing argument from cmd.exe to Excel VBA



How can I pass an argument from cmd.exe to an Excel macro?

I tested with VB6 using the below sample & successfully passed Arg1 & Arg2
over to Macro1. But how to do this if I start from cmd.exe instead of VB6?

' The code in VB6
Sub Command3_Click()
Dim XL As Object
Dim Ans As String

Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

With XL
.Workbooks.Open "C:\TheFileContainingMacro1.xls"
Ans = .Run("Macro1", "Value_Of_Arg1", "Value_Of_Arg2")
End With
Set XL = Nothing
End Sub

' The code in "C:\TheFileContainingMacro1.xls!Macro1
Function Macro1(FromExternal_1, FromExternal_Arg2)

With ActiveSheet
.Range("A1") = FromExternal_1
.Range("A2") = FromExternal_2
End With

End Function

But how to do this if I start from cmd.exe instead of VB6?

Thanks a million


look up the 'command' function in help. You would then check the args within
your workbook on open sub


Steve Yandl


I've always used a vbScript file as a sort of helper file to do this sort of

For my test, I created a workbook named "C:\Test\TestBk1.xls". In module 1
I created a subroutine named "TestMacro" that takes two text string

Now I create a text file that I name "C:\Test\LaunchSub.vbs". The contents
of this script is shown between the lines below,
arg1 = WScript.Arguments(0)
arg2 = WScript.Arguments(1)

Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objXL.Visible = True
Set objWkbk = objXL.Workbooks.Open("C:\Test\TestBk1.xls") "TestMacro", CStr(arg1), CStr(arg2)

Now, the command line that I can use at the prompt for cmd.exe or at the
'Start > Run' line for Windows would be:
WScript.exe "C:\Test\LaunchSub.vbs" "dog" "cat"
Note, that I am using WScript.exe with the name of my vbs file as the first
argument. After that is a space followed by my first argument to go to the
vbs script and then a second space followed by my final argument. Those
arguments will be retrieved in the WScript.Arguments collection. In the
script, all the arguments will be treated as variant type so you will want
to convert them to the appropriate data type before sending them to your
Excel macro.

Steve Yandl


Dear Steve,

Thank You is just a simple word, but I mean it very sincerely. "Thank You"
so very much for the extra miles in detailing the explanations step-by-step.
Perfectly clear!

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