Passing valuse from VBScript to InfoPath field



I am trying to obtain the network username when an InfoPath form loads, then
assign that username to a field in the form. I have tried many different
variations of examples that I have found, but none have worked. Below is the
code I am using in the "Sub XDocument_OnLoad(eventObj)" event:

XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("field2").Text = objNet.UserName

Any ideas on how to pass the value of the username from the script to a
field on the form?


Franck Dauché

Hi Craig,

Once you get your objNet initialized (new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network"),
you need to assign you objNet.UserName to:
XDocument.DOM.SelectSingleNode(full XPath for the root to field2), not just
field2. Your path should look like: /my:rootName/my:......./my:field2".

Hope that helps.

Franck Dauché



Thank you for your assistance. I have tried using the full xpath, but still
am unsuccessful. The full xpath looks like this:

XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field2") = objNet.UserName

Is my xpath incorrect?


Franck Dauché

No, you are fine, but you need a ".text" before the = sign...

Franck Dauché


I am receiving an error when I try to use ("WScript.Network") in Infopath
using VBScript. Have anyone been successful getting this to work? This is
what my code looks like:

Dim objNetwork
objNetwork = new ActiveXObject("")
msgbox objNetwork

I am receiving an error and have tried using a SET statement which still
doesn't work.

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