Pasting into a Webpage Message box



I'm working om a Webpage project where I'm copying from a word documen
to a webpage with a box similar to the message box I'm presently typin
in. The webpage doesn't allow modifying the innertext or innerHTML.
saved the word document to HTM file format. I then open the html fil
as a text file and perform a readall. Then simply move it to the outte

IE.myobject.outterhtml = fs.readall

This destroys the box and just displays the tagged data. I wa
thinking of just replacing the body protion of the outterhtml but
can't even find the body tags and don't think this will work. An
suggestions on the best approach. I know from looking at the proertie
of the obx object is does allow pasting but not sure the syntax to cop
the data from the DOC into the webpage object

Tim Williams

Why not post the HTML for the "box" ? It's hard to tell what you mean since
there seem to be multiple interfaces for this newsgroup (for better or



It is the yahoo send mail box. It is a container with the boy

<DIV id=rteContainer class=fields><DIV style="POSITION: relative; WIDTH:
550px" id=compose_palette class="pim richTextEditorComp">
<DIV style="HEIGHT: 30px"></DIV><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: 3px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 3px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Spell Check" href="#Spell Check"
unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -27px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 40px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Font face" href="#Font face"
<DIV style="TOP: 4px; LEFT: 37px" class=RTEDivider></DIV><A
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -57px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 71px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Font size" href="#Font size"
unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -87px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 108px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title=Bold href="#Bold" unselectable="on"></A>
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url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -117px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 139px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title=Italic href="#Italic" unselectable="on"></A><A
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WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -147px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 173px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title=Underline href="#Underline"
unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -177px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 210px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Text Color" href="#Text Color"
<DIV style="TOP: 4px; LEFT: 207px" class=RTEDivider></DIV><A
url(; POSITION: absolute;
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BACKGROUND-POSITION: -207px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 241px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Highlight Color" href="#Highlight Color"
unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -237px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 275px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Insert Emoticon" href="#Insert Emoticon"
unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -267px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 309px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Insert Hyperlink" href="#Insert Hyperlink"
unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -297px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 343px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Insert Line" href="#Insert Line"
unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -327px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 380px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Change Alignment" href="#Change Alignment"
<DIV style="TOP: 4px; LEFT: 377px" class=RTEDivider></DIV><A
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -357px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 411px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Bullets and Numbering" href="#Bullets and
Numbering" unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -387px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 448px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Decrease Indent" href="#Decrease Indent"
<DIV style="TOP: 4px; LEFT: 445px" class=RTEDivider></DIV><A
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -417px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 479px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title="Increase Indent" href="#Increase Indent"
unselectable="on"></A><A style="BACKGROUND-IMAGE:
url(; POSITION: absolute;
WIDTH: 26px; DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat;
BACKGROUND-POSITION: -447px 0px; HEIGHT: 20px; TOP: 4px; LEFT: 516px"
class=DhtmlButtonText title=Stationery href="#Stationery"
<DIV style="TOP: 4px; LEFT: 513px" class=RTEDivider></DIV></DIV>
<DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; WIDTH: 552px;
MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TOP: -999px" id=spellcontrol class=clearfix>
<DIV id=spellbox class=clearfix>
<DIV id=btnbox class=first>
<DIV style="DISPLAY: none" id=spellmsg></DIV>
<DIV id=correction><LABEL for=spellChange>Change to: </LABEL><INPUT
id=spellChange onkeypress=speller.onKeyPressWord(event);></DIV><SPAN
class="btn split"><BUTTON style="VISIBILITY: visible" id=Change
class=hasdefaultstate type=button value="Change">Change</BUTTON></SPAN><SPAN
class="btn split"><BUTTON style="VISIBILITY: visible" id=Ignore
class=hasdefaultstate type=button value="Ignore">Ignore</BUTTON></SPAN><SPAN
class=btn><BUTTON id=doneButton onclick=spellDone(); type=button
<DIV id=slbox><LABEL id=sugglabel
for=spellSelect>Suggestions: </LABEL><SELECT style="VISIBILITY: visible"
id=spellSelect onchange=spellController.onChangeSuggestions();
visible" id=changemenu><OPTION selected value=0>Change this
word</OPTION><OPTION value=1>Change all occurrences</OPTION></SELECT><SELECT
style="DISPLAY: none; VISIBILITY: visible" id=ignoremenu><OPTION selected
value=0>Ignore this word</OPTION><OPTION value=1>Ignore all
occurrences</OPTION></SELECT></DIV><IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #b3b6b0 1px
solid; BORDER-LEFT: #b3b6b0 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; WIDTH:
550px; HEIGHT: 200px; BORDER-TOP: #b3b6b0 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: #b3b6b0
1px solid" id=compose_editorArea title="Message Body" tabIndex=6 vspace=0
onload=window.parent.initDoc(); marginHeight=0 src="about:blank"
frameBorder=0 allowTransparency marginWidth=0 hspace=0></IFRAME></DIV>

Tim Williams

It's an IFRAME, so treat it like a regular frame. You sould be able to get
to the content of the iframe using this:


It's hard to say what to do next, since I don't know what's inside the
iframe. Try doing a view-source on it.


Joel said:
It is the yahoo send mail box. It is a container with the boy

<IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #b3b6b0 1px

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