Photograph Gallery problem


Sean C

If I add say 70 or 80 photograpohs to my gallery it works OK. But if I add a
Caption and a Description in a font of my choice it fails to load onto my
server correctly?

I tend to use Swish Max to produce a flash header for my sites and this is
where the uploaded site looks strange and gives me two flash header on the
page and this wording where the galllery should show ...


Is there a limit to the number of photographs or wording you can add?

What can I do to stop this?

Thanks Sean.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Don't use's flakey and there are "mystery" limitations that you
won't find until you crash into them. Also not cross browser friendly, look
at your gallery in other browsers.

Try JAlbum (freebie).
IrFanview can build basic web galleries...there's lots more too.
Lately I've been experimenting with Expression Media (part of MS Expression
suite of products...there's a free trial I believe)

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| If I add say 70 or 80 photograpohs to my gallery it works OK. But if I add
| Caption and a Description in a font of my choice it fails to load onto my
| server correctly?
| I tend to use Swish Max to produce a flash header for my sites and this is
| where the uploaded site looks strange and gives me two flash header on the
| page and this wording where the galllery should show ...
| [photogallery/photo00018407/photogallery/photo00018407/real.htm]
| Is there a limit to the number of photographs or wording you can add?
| What can I do to stop this?
| Thanks Sean.

Sean C

Hi Rob,
Much apreciated help, I have will download what you suggest and give it a go


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