pie charts



Can anyone tell me where I can read a clear explanation of how to
make a pie chart with text either next to or in the pie slices, that is not
as nearly impossible to understand as the help menu in word?

thank you,


Jim Gordon


I'll take a stab at it. From what you wrote it seems like you may already
have made a pie graph, but just in case someone needs to start at the
beginning I'll presume a blank document.

There lots of different ways to create a pie graph. Here's just one:

From Word's menu choose Insert > Object > Microsoft Excel Graph
After a few moments Excel will start up and display a graph called "Chart in
Document 1" and the Chart toolbar will be displayed. To keep things simple
I'll use this default graph.

While the sample graph is being displayed Excel there is a new menu called
From the Chart menu choose Chart Type.
Click on the Pie Chart subtype to change the sample graph to a pie graph.
Choose the Chart menu again and this time use Chart Options
On the Data Labels tab click the button by Show Values then click OK
On the File menu choose "Close and return to Document 1"

While the chart is visible in Excel simply type the word "chart" in the
office assistant search box for lots of examples and suggestions.

-Jim Gordon

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