Pilcrow (carriage return) won't go away


Peyton Todd

Hello. I have a Word table (quite tiny - just one row about an inch and a
half wide, justified rightward on the page), that I somehow laboriously
managed to get the text to wrap around (don't ask me how). It looked great
till I re-worded some of the lines just above it, and now I find that one
ends in a carriage return which refuses to delete. What might be wrong?

Also, assuming I manage to delete it, is it likely I will have the same
trouble I had before getting the text to wrap around the table? Usually
that's no problem for me, but this time the text kept refusing to sit beside
the table, and I fear the inadvertent carriage return may have something to
do with how I somehow got it to work.

Thanks in advance,

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Click on the Show/Hide ¶ button to hide the ¶.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Peyton Todd

Doug, I must not have made my meaning clear. I don't need to make it
invisible, I want to get rid of it. The material coming after it should be
part of the same paragraph. But when I put the cursor on it and press Delete,
nothing happens!

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

What happens if you select the following material and drag it into the
position immediately before the ¶?

To get the table where you want it, you may then have to place the selection
inside the table and hover the mouse over the table until the square box
with the direction arrows appears at the top left of the table then left
click and drag on that box to move the table where you want it.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Peyton Todd

Well, your guess was on the right track - when I select the material just
after the pilcrow, but not including the table, then the table is
highlighted, too. No doubt it's attached to the pilcrow somehow, and the
reason Word won't delete the pilcrow (carriage return) is that it's trying to
protect me from deleting the table inadvertently?

On the other hand, I can drag the table further down the page, and then THAT
pilcrow - at least I thinks it was the same one since it was in the same
place - does delete okay. But then another pilcrow some distance above the
table refuses to delete.

I know about the little square box with arrows at the upper left of the
table - as I begin to recall, that's how I got the table into what was (for a
time) the correct position in the first place, without any real understanding
of what I was doing, however...

What next?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you've dragged the table by its handle, it's wrapped and requires a text
paragraph to be anchored to. If it's at the end of a document, it must be
followed by a paragraph mark even if inline.

Peyton Todd

Thanks, guys, it's working now. And yes, Suzanne: it turns out that, although
the old pilcrow can be deleted and restored at will, there's another one
which refuses to delete. Thanks for explaining why.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you've got a paragraph mark that can't be deleted and is causing
pagination problems, you can format it as 1 pt or Hidden. For more, see

Also, if you don't need the table to be wrapped, go to the Table tab of
Table Properties and choose None for the "Text wrapping."

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