Pivot Cache error using Range object containing cell with 255 char



I found the following problem in Excel VBA (both 2K3 SP2 and 2K7):

User gets Error number 13 - Type Mismatch when calling the PivotCache.Add
method under the following condition: supplying a Range object as the
SourceData input parameter when that Range object contains 1 or more cells
with >255 characters.

The issue reproduces 100% of the time.
Is this a known issue?
If not, how can it be submitted to Microsoft for resolution?

I also have the following facts:
1.) A Range object which includes one or more cells with >255 characters
appears to be OK in the debugger (Locals window). I can retrieve standard
properties of the object. The object seems perfectly valid.

2.) The PivotCache.Add method will work fine with the same source data *IF*
the SourceData input parameter is supplied as String (e.g. "Sheet1!A1:Z1000")
instead of a Range object.

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