Pivot table showing #Num! error - SSAS2005 SP2



I've made a similar post in the Analysis Services forum,
but I thought it would be helpful to post here as well..

Here is the subject of my issue:
Pivot table showing #Num! error when using Related attributes from same
dimension. SSAS2005sp2/Excel 2000 sp3

I believe this started happening right after applying sql 2005 sp2. It does
not happen if using excel 2002 or later.

The problem is also apparent with adventure works, so it's easily
reproduced. Just add Category and then Sub Category attributes on the rows,
and Internet order sales on the data area. The odd thing is that If a tree
is used that has both of these items, the results are displayed.

Internet Sales Amount
Category Subcategory Total
Clothing Caps #NUM!
Gloves #NUM!
Jerseys #NUM!
Shorts #NUM!
Socks #NUM!
Vests #NUM!
Clothing Total * 339772.61
Accessories Bike Racks #NUM!
Bike Stands #NUM!
Bottles and Cages #NUM!
Cleaners #NUM!
Fenders #NUM!
Helmets #NUM!
Hydration Packs #NUM!
Tires and Tubes #NUM!
Accessories Total * 700759.96
Bikes Mountain Bikes #NUM!
Road Bikes #NUM!
Touring Bikes #NUM!
Bikes Total * 28318144.65
Grand Total * 29358677.22

The query that was auto generated does return the values for those cells,
but it's strange that it's not displaying in excel.

I understand that given the following, the issue is probably leaning more
towards excel 2000, but I don't think it was present before sp2, and maybe
there were some technology changes in SSAS.

I tried unregistering msolap90.dll, deleting it, then copying and
registering the one that comes w/ sp2 and some hot fixes (9.0.3159.0), but
this did not help the pivot table issue.

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