Please Help - Hyperlink Problem



Fellow Forum Members,
I am really stuck here and have no idea how to fix this problem.
would really appreciated hearing from anyone that can offer any advise
I'm using Excel 2003 and this problem is occuring on both Windows 200
and Windows XP.

Overview of Problem - I have a lot of training videos that I hav
listed in an Excel worksheet with hyperlinks to the source AVI file
When I doubleclick on the source AVI file VideoLAN automaticall
launches and plays the AVI. But when I click on the Excel hyperlink
get a warning:

Some files can contain viruses or otherwise harm your computer. Woul
you like to open this file?

I hit "OK" and then the following message comes up:

"No Program Is Registered to Open this File"

I hit "OK" again and nothing happens. VideoLAN does not automaticall
launch and play the AVI file.

I have checked the File Types TAB in the Folder Options menu option an
VideoLAN is correctly associated to all video related extensions. S
why doesn't it work with the hyperlink? Any help will be greatl
appreciated because I have run out of ideas. Look forward to hearin
from someone soon. Thanks

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