Please help. Need drop down menu for name&price to pop up automat



In spreadsheet Book 2

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
Column F
Name Rates Address City
Zip Code
Jane Doe 76.76 555 North Dear Born Chicago 55555
Ray Cohen 12.11 2 North Dear Born Chicago 1

In book 3 I want drop down menus for columns A, C, D, E,F from the info of
book 2.
When I choose the name in column A in book 3 i want the rates to pop
Ex when I choose Jane Doe i want her rate to pop automaically as 76.76.

Bob Phillips

Look at VLOOKUP in help.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Thanks Gav for responding to my posting.

I went on that website 5x and I can't get it.

Can you walk me through step by step.


Let's say your data is in book 2 A2:F5

In the cell in book 3 where you want the rate to pop automatically enter..


This Looks at what is entered in cell A2 then looks up the first column of
your table in book 2 and returns the result from the same row and 2nd column
in the table.

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