Please Need Help on this Loop Statement



I have 2 Subforms, both linked to each other on a main form. SUBFORM1
is a summary form on Orders placed with Suppliers and SUBFORM2 is the
detail for each order placed in SUBFORM1.

SUBFORM1 recordsource is a Table TBL_ORDERMASTER with fields and data
type as follows: ORDERNO (Text), ORDERDATE (Date), TAXSTATUS (Checkbox-
Yes/No), GROSSAMT (Number-Double), TAX (Number-Double) and NETAMT

SUBFORM2 recordsource is a Table TBL_ORDERDETAILS with fields and data
types as follows: ORDERNO (Text), ITEMNO (Text), QTY (Number-Integer),
RATE (Number-Double), GROSSAMT (Number-Double), TAX (Number-Double)
and NETAMT (Number-Double).

WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN (I need help on the loop statement

When the TAXSTATUS in SUBFORM1 is set to YES, (I have done this
part..., besides the TAX in SUBFORM1 being automatically calculated),
NEED HELP FROM HERE FORWARD >>>, the TAX for all records in SUBFORM2
should also automatically calculate for the particular record in
SUBFORM1. If the TAXSTATUS is set to NO, then the TAX for all records
in SUBFORM2 for the particular record in SUBFORM1 should be set to
zero automatically.

Hope I have been able to clearly illustrate the issue above. Thanks
in advance. Ed

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