Plug-In for live video help needed


Frank Smith

I have a D-Link DCS-1000w Internet camera and would like to put the video on
a web page.
DLink provides the OCX "xplug.ocx" but I cannot make it work.
Their code looks like this:

function Init() {
cvcs.RemoteHost = ""
cvcs.RemoteWeb = 85
cvcs.RemotePort = 8485
cvcs.Timeout = 5
cvcs.AuthType = 1
cvcs.PreviewFrameRate = 1
cvcs.PreviewWidth = 320
cvcs.PreviewHeight = 240
cvcs.DeviceSerialNo = ""
window.setInterval("ShowFrameRate()", 1000)
function ShowFrameRate() {
if (1)
var fFrameRate = cvcs.FrameRate
window.status = "Frame:" + fFrameRate.toString() + " fps"
CurrentTime.innerHTML = cvcs.TimeString

<BODY text=white onload="Init()" onunload="cvcs.Stop()">
<OBJECT ID="cvcs" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240

I have loaded xplug.ocx to the web site and the URL & Port above is valid
for my camera.

the page can be seen at

Any hints?

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

I even took the little dLink plug-in to try it.
I'm seeing two "players" on the page, both the object and the embedded one.
are you sure the camera is on and open to the internet?

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Frank Smith

One thing I have noticed is that if you look at the Source code on the web
site there is all sorts of code added (I guess by FP) ahead of and behind
the code that is below.
On my desktop the code is exactly as below but not the same on the web....

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

got a JavaScript error on line 33 (time undefined).
I didn't see any code that looks like it was added by FrontPage.

could you enumerate the steps you've taken to put this "player" on the page?

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Frank Smith

Copied in their code, changed the IP address to my valid one, added their
plug-in to the page, published both the page and the xplug.ocx
First time running, XP Home asked me if I wanted to install Active-X
plug-in, said "Yes".

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

ok, but _how_ did you add their code to the page?

you may want to do it again. delete the page that's not working, then set
your cursor in a new page and hit insert/ web component/ advanced control/
html mark-up.
paste the code in that dialog box. Then republish.

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

you can't be doing it right because there are two body tags and I'm still
getting that JavaScript error about the current time. also a frame rate of

what exactly, did the manual you got with the camera say to do, and do you
have the example code they provided?

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Frank Smith

Found another code set for another D-Link camera, works fine

<APPLET name="cvcs" CODEBASE=""
CODE="xplug.class" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240>
<param name="RemotePort" value=85>
<param name="Timeout" value=5000>
<param name="RotateAngle" value=0>
<param name="PreviewFrameRate" value=2>
<param name="DeviceSerialNo" value="Y3plY2g6Y2VudGVy">

Thanks for all your efforts,

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

it'll only work fine with people using Java (not the same as JavaScript).
there are lots of computers out there without JVM (the Java Virtual
Machine). it's that reason that "hover buttons" are generally discouraged.
IOW: not everyone will see your feed.

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

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