Populate multiple cells off one equation


Kevin Wallace

I have created a drop-down list for parts in "A1". I need to populate the
cost price into "G1" and, the retail price into "J1" for whatever value is
chosen. I have created a list with the prices off to the side that I can
hide later. So I'm trying to create a formula that will populate the cells
at G1 and J1 based on the choice in A1. I have many part numbers and about
20 rows that I need to put the same formulas into.

If A1="X73495" then G1=O23 and J1=P23
If A1="C75639" then G1=O24 and J1=P24
If A1="P38427" then G1=O25 and J1=P25


Take a look at VLookup and you should be able to populate both Price and Cost.


Make a table of 3 columnsPartNo,

Populate the Table

Select the full table & name it COST_TABLE

Put in CELL G1...

Put in CELL G1...

What it does...
When you change A1, VLOOKUP looks for the value of A1 in COST_TABLE then returns the matching item from COL2 or COL3 of
your table.

Hope it helps - Steve.

Kevin Wallace

Stevie... The only problem I'm having now is that if the Part# field is blank
it puts "N/A" in the price fields. Is there a way to make it so if the Part
# is not yet filled in that it will just leave "0.00"?


Kevin Wallace said:
Stevie... The only problem I'm having now is that if the Part# field is blank
it puts "N/A" in the price fields. Is there a way to make it so if the Part
# is not yet filled in that it will just leave "0.00"?


Woops on the 1st reply!

You can check to see if the value is a number


But this performs the lookup twice. There is probability a better way.

Kevin Wallace

Stevie... iIt appears your response to my last question did not take and just
gave us a space. I've been trying different things and can't seem to come up
with anything that will leave the price columns blank, or show "0.00".
Thanks in advance for your help.

Kevin Wallace

Thanks Stevie... Works like a charm...

Stevie_mac said:
Woops on the 1st reply!

You can check to see if the value is a number


But this performs the lookup twice. There is probability a better way.

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