Portfolio server Webservice Accessing Error



I am trying to access Portfolio server Webservices(PPSI)
in SDK I find one sample based on this I have created a new .NET Solution
that is working fine.It is populating the Portfolio's List in a Grid.This is
Windows appliaction.

But the same application I need to create a .NET Webservice that will return
a Dataset containing all portfolio's list.

This is not working I have done same as in windows application.

am unable to understand the problem
Rrror is:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Microsoft Office Project
Portfolio Server Error at
Microsoft.Office.Project.PortfolioServer.PPSI.WS.Portfolio..ctor() at
message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at
methodName, Object[] parameters) at
PortFolioMain.Portfolio.ReadPortfolioListInPortfolio(Nullable`1 portfolioID,
Int32 queryFilterID, Boolean includeSubOrganizationPortfolios,
PortfolioServerResultFilterDataTable resultFilter) in c:\Documents and
Settings\akhila subcon\Local Settings\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\reports\b3072fc9\522446b6\App_WebReferences.86evnbik.1.cs:line 154 at
Service.GetPortfolio() in c:\Projects\Reports\App_Code\Service.cs:line

My Code

LoginWin.LoginWindows login = new LoginWin.LoginWindows();
System.Net.CookieContainer _cookie = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
PortFolioMain.Portfolio portfoliows = new PortFolioMain.Portfolio();

public DataSet GetPortfolio()
//Login for Webservice
baseURL = "http://dlhnt030:100/PortfolioServer";
login.Url = baseURL + "/PPSI/WS/LoginWindows.asmx";
login.CookieContainer = _cookie;
login.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
//Portfolio webservice
portfoliows.Url = baseURL + "/PPSI/WS/Portfolio.asmx";
portfoliows.CookieContainer = _cookie;
portfoliows.Credentials =
string str;
PortFolioMain.PortfolioServerPortfolioDataSet portfolioResultDS =
new PortFolioMain.PortfolioServerPortfolioDataSet();
if (login.Login("UserName", "password"))
str = "Logged In";

portfolioResultDS =
portfoliows.ReadPortfolioListInPortfolio(null, -1, true, null);

table =
// return str + " " + table.Rows.Count.ToString();
return portfolioResultDS;
catch (Exception ex)
//return str + " " + ex.ToString();
return portfolioResultDS;
str = "Not Logged 2";
//return str;
return portfolioResultDS;

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