

Mr. Moxie

Are there any kind of formatting for a cell that will allow you to enter
pounds/ounces and do math on the column correctly?

Thank you,

Earl Kiosterud


There are no formats I know of that are set up for pounds and ounces. You
can put them in separate columns easily enough.

This formula adds them up, producing the total as a single value in pounds.
For pounds in A, ounces in B:
=SUM(A2:A11) + SUM(B2:B11)/16

These formulas separately yield the pounds and ounces parts of the total:

Total, pounds part:
=INT(SUM(A2:A11) + SUM(B2:B11)/16)

Ounces part:
=MOD(SUM(A2:A11) + SUM(B2:B11)/16 , 1) * 16

Metric is sooooo much easier than this pounds and ounces mess. I like easy!

Bernard Liengme

You could work in fractions
Enter 2 3/16 for 3 lbs 3 oz
Best to format the cells first (Format|Cells|Fractions|sixteenth)
If A1 has 2 3/16 then =A1*3 with give 6 9/16 (even if you do not format the
cell first)

best wishes

Mr. Moxie

Thank you for your reply.


Earl Kiosterud said:

There are no formats I know of that are set up for pounds and ounces. You
can put them in separate columns easily enough.

This formula adds them up, producing the total as a single value in
For pounds in A, ounces in B:
=SUM(A2:A11) + SUM(B2:B11)/16

These formulas separately yield the pounds and ounces parts of the total:

Total, pounds part:
=INT(SUM(A2:A11) + SUM(B2:B11)/16)

Ounces part:
=MOD(SUM(A2:A11) + SUM(B2:B11)/16 , 1) * 16

Metric is sooooo much easier than this pounds and ounces mess. I like

Mr. Moxie

Thank you for your reply.


Bernard Liengme said:
You could work in fractions
Enter 2 3/16 for 3 lbs 3 oz
Best to format the cells first (Format|Cells|Fractions|sixteenth)
If A1 has 2 3/16 then =A1*3 with give 6 9/16 (even if you do not format
the cell first)

best wishes

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