PowerPoint image/slide/file size problem



I previously used Adobe Photoshop and PowerPoint versions that worked
under Mac OS-9.2 and routinely produced files containing 20 or so
slides that were 5-6 Mbytes in size. Typically I had Photoshop resize
any images I used to 140 ppi before pasting them into a PowerPoint
slide. Recently I upgraded to OS-X versions of Photoshop Elements and
PowerPoint. Since doing so, when I build the same 20-or-so-slide
presentation, my file sizes are 25-30 Mbytes. It appears that each
image in a PowerPoint slide may be getting converted automatically to
576 ppi, since if I copy and paste a PowerPoint slide image back into
Photoshop it reads it in at 576 ppi. This problem also arises even if
I save a Photoshop image as a file first, and then bring it into a
PowerPoint slide using Insert-Picture-File. Advice will be

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