PPT to PDF conversion




I had writted macros for PPT to PDF file conversion in Excel.
Í created User Form in Excel and i am running macros form excel.

I am getting error while running the macros As " Object doesn't support

this property or method"

And here is the code.

'Please configure adobe pdf printer before using this macro
Sub Create_PDF_of_NotesView()
Dim ActivePresentation As Object
Dim appPPT As PowerPoint.Application
Set appPPT = ActivePresentation
'Dim ActivePresentation As Application
Dim RangeType As String, NumberOfCopies As String, Collate, OutputType,

PrintHiddenSlides, _
PrintColorType, FitToPage, FrameSlides As String, ActivePrinter As
'Dim ActivePresentation As Application
Set ActivePresentation = New PowerPoint.Application
' 'Set ActivePresentation = appPPT.Application
'Set MyObject = ActivePresentation
'Dim PrintOptions As Object
' With New PowerPoint.Application

With ActivePresentation.PrintOptions
.RangeType = ppPrintAll
.NumberOfCopies = 1
.Collate = msoTrue
.OutputType = ppPrintOutputNotesPages
.PrintHiddenSlides = msoTrue
.PrintColorType = ppPrintColor
.FitToPage = msoFalse
.FrameSlides = msoFalse
.ActivePrinter = "Adobe PDF"
End With

MsgBox "The name of the active printer is " & _
End Sub

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