Primary key changed value problem



I am getting the following message when trying to add a record with in a sub
sub form.
"You can't update the record because another user or application deleted it
changed the value of its primary key" After the message the record is
added correctly.

My main form record source has select * from Exhibitors table
My subform has Select * from ExhbitorsShows table, Master and Child links
set to
ExhibitorID. There are no objects on this form (no textboxes, etc)

my sub sub form has select ERG.RepID, ES.ShowID, ES.ExhibitorID,
E.ExhibitorName, ERG.ExhbitorShowID. On this form I have a combo box and for
purposes 2 text boxes that are bound to the ERG.ExhibitorShowID and ERG.RepID.
Child Link set to RepresentedID, Master link set to ExhibitorID.

Table Layouts
Exhibitor E

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