Print preview a filtered report .



How do you print preview a filtered report. I wrote the following code but
it does not work. Any assitstance is greatly appreciated: My form is
called: BONDS and my report is called BONDS.


If Not IsNull(Me.Filter) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Bonds", A_PREVIEW, , Me.Form.BONDS
DoCmd.Maximize 'Maximize the report window.

MsgBox "Apply a filter to the form first"
End If



You have to first establish what it is you are filtering for. What
field in the report can you link to your form for a filter criteria?

Make a button to run the report. Put this in the sub for the onclick

Private Sub MyButton_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_MyButton_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stLinkCriteria = "[field name in report]= '" & Me![field name in form]
& "'"
stDocName = "Bonds"

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_MyButton_Click

This will link the report to the record you have open in your form and
will eliminate your need to filter the form before running the report.
If the value you are linking is numeric, you will have to edit the link
criteria line as follows:

stLinkCriteria = "[field name in report]=" & Me![field name in form]


Thanks all for most helpful comments.

This is what I did.

If Not IsNull(Me.Filter) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "BONDS", A_PREVIEW, , Me.Form.Filter
DoCmd.Maximize 'Maximize the report window.
MsgBox "Apply a filter to the Form first"
End If

This worked. I just changed the Me.form.Bond to Me.form.Filter.

All worked great.

Thanks once again for timely and professional assistance.


Thanks all for great comments. I changed the entry in docmd from
Me.Form.bonds to Me.Form.Filter and all worked great.

Really appreciate your timeliness and suggestions.


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