Graham H
I have the following procedure below which runs through a variable number of worksheets
and prints the same range out of each sheet onto an A4 sheet. It is not the prettiest
thing in the world but it works. However the sheet could hold two of these ranges on one
A4 page which is ideally what I would like to do, ie print one range from a sheet at the
top of the page and the next below it and so on. I would value any help.
Sub printNVZFieldsonly()
Dim r As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Application
.Calculation = xlManual
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With
r = Sheets("Entries").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
For Each c In Sheets("Entries").Range("A12:A" & r)
' check if sheet exists
If WksExists(c.Value) Then
With Sheets(c.Value).Range("D4:E4").Font
.ColorIndex = 2
End With
With Sheets(c.Value).PageSetup
.PrintArea = "$A$3:$F$33"
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.PaperSize = xlPaperA4
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
Sheets(c.Value).PrintOut Copies:=1, Preview:=False, Collate:=True
With Sheets(c.Value).Range("D4:E4").Font
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End With
MsgBox "There are no Fields to print. Operation cancelled.", vbInformation, "Print
Exit Sub
End If
With Application
.Calculation = xlAutomatic
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With
End Sub
and prints the same range out of each sheet onto an A4 sheet. It is not the prettiest
thing in the world but it works. However the sheet could hold two of these ranges on one
A4 page which is ideally what I would like to do, ie print one range from a sheet at the
top of the page and the next below it and so on. I would value any help.
Sub printNVZFieldsonly()
Dim r As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Application
.Calculation = xlManual
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With
r = Sheets("Entries").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
For Each c In Sheets("Entries").Range("A12:A" & r)
' check if sheet exists
If WksExists(c.Value) Then
With Sheets(c.Value).Range("D4:E4").Font
.ColorIndex = 2
End With
With Sheets(c.Value).PageSetup
.PrintArea = "$A$3:$F$33"
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.PaperSize = xlPaperA4
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
Sheets(c.Value).PrintOut Copies:=1, Preview:=False, Collate:=True
With Sheets(c.Value).Range("D4:E4").Font
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End With
MsgBox "There are no Fields to print. Operation cancelled.", vbInformation, "Print
Exit Sub
End If
With Application
.Calculation = xlAutomatic
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With
End Sub