Printing according to computer



This is for anyone who needs it...

I needed a macro that would first check for the computername and then print
a selected number of copies to that computers printer.. I needed this so I
could use one main pricelist/workorder on all the mamchines in the office and
still have the print button i made do what i needed.

The complete macro does the following:
1. verifies that salesperson name has been entered
2. check which computer the pricelist is being run on
3. prints a set number of copies to the above running computer
4. emails the dept head a copy of the workorder (customer name & PO in
5. resets the form for the next order.

Here is the computer check part..

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set ObjEnv = WshShell.Environment("Process")

If COMPUTERNAME = "GRAPHICS" Then ActiveWindow.ActiveSheet.PrintOut From:=1,
To:=1, Copies:=2, Collate:=True, ActivePrinter:="Epson Color" Else

If COMPUTERNAME = "OFFICE" Then ActiveWindow.ActiveSheet.PrintOut From:=1,
To:=1, Copies:=2, Collate:=True, ActivePrinter:="Office Color" Else

If COMPUTERNAME = "CUSTOMER" Then ActiveWindow.ActiveSheet.PrintOut From:=1,
To:=1, Copies:=2, Collate:=True, ActivePrinter:="HP 1200" Else

Thanks for everyones help
wayne @ CNY Awards & Apparel, Inc.

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