printing SVG grahics does not work




I am trying to use SVG graphics in an Access 2000 report, but that doesn't
seem to work out very well (or Office in general, for that matter). The
problem I encounter is that printing is absolutely unpredictable what
concerns the SVG. Depending on the SVG file and the printer selected, upon
print preview or printing the SVG is not displayed, partly out of view, blown
up 500%, ... There is even a difference between the print preview and the
actual print (i.e. in print preview nothing is displayed, while upon printing
a part of the SVG is displayed.

Does anybody know if SVG files can be made to work in Access/Office?
(apart from Visio, which does have native support for SVG)

I have installed Acrobat SVG viewer (v3), and I inserted the SVG below in an
Access report as follow:
- "Insert > ActiveX Control > SVG Document"
- Open the properties of the object
- Set the "SRC" property to the filename (e.g. C:\temp\test.svg)

- Office 2003, or Access 2003 doesn 't make any difference
- Windows 2000 or Windows XP doesn't make any difference either.
- the SVG is displayed fine in Internet Explorer 6

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

---- sample SVG file used (i.e. saved in notepad as for exmaple "test.svg")

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 140 100" version="1.1"

<rect width="140" height="100"

<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red"/>


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