Problem calculating



I have the formula
It verifies that the year is 2008 and that both cells in B & C have values
in them and it then divides all valid cells in B/C to give me a percentage.
It works fine except it will not recalculte unless I click in the formula and
hit enter. I have to do this in the manual mode only (F9 won't update it
either) because in automatic, it will return a value of 0 all the time.
Please help.

Niek Otten

I can't reproduce that.
Very, very rarely, Excel looses its way in the recalculation chain.
You can rebuild that chain by finding and replacing all "=" signs with "="
signs or, in the last few versions of Excel (don't know exactly which ones),
by pressing CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F9.

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