Problem with Forms -tool



When I try to open Forms -tool in lates Groove bundle, POp-Up window of the
OS opens:
"A runtime error has occured.
Do you wish to debug?
Line: 155
Errror: Objekti ei tue tätä ominaisuutta tai menetelmää"

The error message is in Englis about The object doesn't support the feature
or method".

Debugging tilts Groove complitely. If I skip debuging designer sandbox opens
normaly, but I can't open the datawiev at all. The same error message opens
whenever I try to go to datawiev.



I have the same issue and we have seen this error a number of times with
different users in both build 2368 and 2374 of version 3.1 This appears to
be a common problem so any suggestions on how to fix the problem would be
very much appreciated!

Marc Dimmick

A couple of things to look at.

1. Are you opening a 3.1 workspace in 2007? If so then check your
preferences to see that you can accept older version workspaces

2. Have you install IE7 Beta Version x? If so you may have to uninstall
as it seems to create issues with Groove.

Just a couple of places to start.



Many thanks for responding to this post. You were 'spot-on' with your

I was running IE7 Release Candidate 1. When I reverted to IE6 the problem
went away. I hope this gets fixed before the final release of IE7!

Thank you.