Problem with "Me(textfield).Value =" still displaying blank




It's not currently writing anything in the cells. I believe the problem is
in the " Do Until rst.EOF" loop, as I'm getting blank cells at the end,
although I've gone back and forth over that loop and its neighbors and I
can't for the life of me see why the cells would all be blank at the end.
The initial " 'clear all values in cells" loop in ClockImage_Click() works
well, I've tested it out seperately.
Private Sub SetDays()
Dim intI As Integer, intJ As Integer, strNum As String

' First, clear all the boxes
For intI = 1 To 42
' Controls are named "lblnn" and "txtnn"
' Where nn = 01 to 42
' Using Format to get 2 digits
strNum = Format(intI, "00")
' Clear the day number
Me("lbl" & strNum).Caption = ""     'If I change this to Caption =
"something here"
'The Caption is indeed
changed to "something here"
' Clear the contents of the text box
Me("txt" & strNum).Value = ""
' Grey out the background
Me("txt" & strNum).BackColor = 12632256
' And disable it
Me("txt" & strNum).Enabled = False
Next intI

intMonth = Me!theMonth
intYear = Me!theYear
' The first box to set it the weekday of the first day of the month
intFirst = Weekday(DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1), vbSunday)
' Calculate the last day number
intLastDay = Day(DateAdd("m", 1, DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1)) - 1)
' ... and the last box to set
intLast = intFirst + intLastDay - 1

' Now set up all the boxes for the current month
intJ = 1
For intI = intFirst To intLast
strNum = Format(intI, "00")
' Put the day number in the associated label caption
Me("lbl" & strNum).Caption = intJ
' Make the background of the box white
Me("txt" & strNum).BackColor = 16777215
' and Enable it
Me("txt" & strNum).Enabled = True
intJ = intJ + 1
Next intI

' Hide the last row if we didn't use it
If intLast < 36 Then
intJ = False
intJ = True
End If
For intI = 36 To 42
Me("txt" & intI).Visible = intJ
Next intI
End Sub
Private Sub ClockImage_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim datFirstDate As Date, datLastDate As Date, strSQL As String
Dim intStart As Integer, intEnd As Integer, intI As Integer, strNum As String

' Clear all the text boxes
For intI = 1 To 42
strNum = Format(intI, "00")
Me("txt" & strNum).Value = ""
Next intI

' Get a pointer to the current database
Set db = CurrentDb

' Calculate the start and end date for the current month
datFirstDate = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1)
datLastDate = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, intLastDay)

' Set up to select the apppointments that are in
'  the current month
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [CalendarInfo] WHERE [SocSec] = " &
Forms![Apprentice Information]![Soc Sec #] & " AND [StartDate] <= #" &
datLastDate & "# AND [EndDate] >= #" & datFirstDate & "#;"

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

' Loop through all the rows and set the appointments in the calendar
Do Until rst.EOF
' Calculate the start point
If rst!StartDate < datFirstDate Then
intStart = intFirst
intStart = Day(rst!StartDate) + intFirst - 1
End If
' Calculate the end point
If rst!EndDate > datLastDate Then
intEnd = intLast
intEnd = Day(rst!EndDate) + intFirst - 1
End If

' Set the appropriate note in the appropriate days
For intI = intStart To intEnd
strNum = Format(intI, "00")
Me("txt" & strNum).Value = "Hi" 'Me("txt" & strNum).Value &
Next intI

' Get the next row
End Sub
SocSec      StartDate Note           EndDate
561-45-6184 2/14/2006 Something Blah 2/16/2006
If, just above the End
Sub, I put:
For intI = 1 To 42
strNum = Format(intI, "00")
' Clear the day number
Me("txt" & strNum).Value = "lol"
Next intI
the value of the cells is Not set to "lol". Their stubborn refusal to laugh
is making a laughing mockery of me.

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