Problem with VBA Code for Massive Publish


Rod Gill

Reading Help, set the WSSURL parameter to NULL.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:


OK. Not pretty... mind you, I'm not giving up on VBA, but, seeing as
I've already tried the pretty approach with VBA, to no avail: i.e. the
Publish windows keeps appearing, and I can't "click" on it's
"Publish" button through VBA (see code above)...

....How would you use from VBA the Project.QueuePublish method to
publish a project without creating any workspace, merely publishing
the project from it's current draft version?

Awaiting your kind reply,

Sebastián Armas
Project Manager



This is sort of a reprint of a previous post, but... Here's my current
code, wich is running in a separate MPP file, not in
the global, mind you. I call de Publicacion_Normal() sub that then
calls the Publica() ...and the pop up is still there. Any suggestions?

Sub Publica()
'Se publica la Gantt
DisplayAlerts = False
Publish Republish:=Null, WssUrl:=Null
DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Sub Publicacion_Normal()
' Publicacion_Normal
' Macro grabada el vie 8/14/09 por BANCO\sarmas.
' Iterador en base a lista de tareas para publicación de Gantts en
Project Server

Dim Tarea As Task
Dim Gantt As String

' Se itera en la lista de tareas
' cada tarea tiene el nombre de una Gantt de Project Server a Publicar
For Each Tarea In ActiveProject.Tasks

' Se crea el string de carga de la Gantt
Gantt = "<>\" & Tarea.Name

' Se abre la Gantt de Project Server
FileOpenEx Name:=Gantt, ReadOnly:=False

'Se graba previo a la publicación

'Se publica la Gantt
Call Publica

'SendKeys "{ENTER}"

TiempoPausa = 20 ' Asigna hora de inicio.
Inicio = Timer ' Establece la hora de inicio.
Do While Timer < Inicio + TiempoPausa
DoEvents ' Cambia a otros procesos.

'Se cierra la Gantt sin cambios y protegida
FileClose Save:=pjDoNotSave, NoAuto:=True

Next Tarea

End Sub

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