Problems while adding new Category in Outlook 2007


Ahmed Al-Lakani

I got a problem in my outlook add-in developed by C++,
While adding new category, I’m trying to add a new Category so I can later
on assign it to my newly created appointment,

My Code as the following

Outlook::Categories *pCats = NULL;
Outlook::Category *pCat = NULL;

if(m_pNameSpace != NULL)
// get list of categoreies
hRes = m_pNameSpace->get_Categories(&pCats);

if(hRes == S_OK && pCats != NULL)
hRes = pCats->Add(BSTR("my new Category"), Outlook::eek:lCategoryColorBlue,
Outlook::eek:lCategoryShortcutKeyNone , &pCat);

Ahmed Al-Lakani

Sorry, i didn't write the rest of the problem
While pCats->Add been called, it throws an exception,
The exception error message is

“Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved across
a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared
with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different
calling convention.â€

Could any body help

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