programme fucntioning problems errors



number,x, from cell A3 and a positive integer, n, from cell B3 then
returns into cell C3 the value of x raised to the power n divided by
n factorial.

where x in cell a3 = 2 and n in cell b3 = 5

im using this formula, but when i run it nothing happens, how do i
make this vba programme run and return the value?

the vba programmes is ok its just no running anything or doing
to my spreadsheet when i need it to return into cell C3

i think i need to delcare the vaiables, but not sure how to doo it.

basically i need help in order for my spreasheet of the numbers x and
n to return in cell a3 the value of x raised tot he power n divided
n factorial but nothin is happening in the spreadhseet, can any one
tell me or show me how to do this

please i really want to do this, but cant

this is the vba programme:

Public Function MyFunction(X As Double, N As Long) As Variant
If (N <= 0&) _
MyFunction = "N must be an integer greater than zero"
MyFunction = (X ^ N) / WorksheetFunction.Fact(N)
End If
End Function


The functhin works fine for me. Might want to put in
Application.Volatile though so that the formula is recalculated each
time a change takes place on the worksheet.
Public Function MyFunction(X As Double, N As Long) As Variant
If (N <= 0) Then
MyFunction = "N must be an integer greater than zero"
MyFunction = (X ^ N) / WorksheetFunction.Fact(N)
End If
End Function


The code worrks ok. You don't need to declare variables. If you did you
would of gotten an error. Make sure you placed the code on a module page in

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