Project Server 2007 Refresh



I have my live project server enviroment running, all was going well
until today.
I experienced this same issue on my Test enviroment.

When I navigate through the menu "my tasks" my resources" etc.. I may
have to hit F5 2 - 3 times in order for the page to display.

pinging from a client to project server, response time less than <1ms
pinging project server to database server, response time less than

what the heck is going on, I advised my useres that the live
enviroment would resolve this(5gig memory, dual quad processors)

I am to note, running this as a virtual server (has a dedicated nic

Gary Chefetz

I can see that nobody replied previously, but you really don't provide
enough information to respond. This certainly isn't a "typical symptom." We
run Project Server on ESX for many clients, so it may not be related to
virtual environments.


Hi, I dont know what other details I can provide,
You click on 'my tasks' or any other and you get intermittent times
when it will either take you to the page or say it timed-out
Im now it a situation where all my users are using this and we go Live
in 1 week and we have a unreliable system.

Gary Chefetz

You need to do some trouble shooting and describe your system setups. You
need to tell us some of the metrics as well, number of resources and
projects and project sizes. Have you looked for errors in ULS logs? Server
Event logs? Are your dev and prod systems on the same hardware? Using the
same virtual machine structures? There could be endless reasons why this is
happening from hardware configuration to software mis-configuration to
network issues.

If the two systems are completely separate, then it I would look at the
network and the way the severs were configured. If you don't have some good
troubleshooters on staff, if might be worthwhile to engage Microsoft of and
EPM partner for assistance.

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