Property Let: assign return value of Double when passing String


Tetsuya Oguma

Hi all,

I have a class called clsTrade and in it:

Dim m_dtSettleDate As Date

Property Let SettleDate(szSettleDate As String)
m_dtSettleDate = ParseStringToDate(szSettleDate)
End Property

Property Get SettleDate() As Date
SettleDate = m_dtSettleDate
End Property

Private Function ParseStringToDate(szDate As String) As Date
Const HYPHEN As String = "-"
Dim lYearPos As Long
Dim lMonthPos As Long

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
With VBA
lYearPos = .InStr(1, szDate, HYPHEN, vbTextCompare)
lMonthPos = .InStr(lYearPos + 1, szDate, HYPHEN, vbTextCompare)

ParseStringToDate = .DateSerial(.Left$(szSettleDate, lYearPos - 1), _
.Mid$(szSettleDate, lYearPos + 1, lMonthPos
- lYearPos - 1), _
.Right$(szSettleDate, .Len(szSettleDate) -

End Function

'Put today's day as default first
ParseStringToDate = .DateSerial(.Year(Now), .Month(Now), .Day(Now))
End With
End Function

When compiled an error says by highlilghting the above Property Let,
"Definitions of property procedures for the same property are inconsistent,
or property procedure has an optional parameter, a ParamArray. Or an invalid
Set final parameter"

My intention:
1) Taking a string of Date (e.g., "2005-11-23")
2) Parse and convert it to Date format through ParseStringToDate function
and store it in m_dtSettleDate

Now, I am trying to set a return value of Property Let statement as Date and

My convictions:
1) I think it is reasonbale to have Private Function ParseStringToDate in
this clsTrade
2) The Property Let takes 1 parameter of String, converts it to Date and
store it, which I think is again reasonable.

My questions:
1) Am I coding in a good OO principle (to some extent)?
2) How can I get around the error I am getting?

Thanks for your time.

Chris Marlow


Your OO is fine, as far as VBA Excel OO goes.

Your property let & property get must be of the same type. They are more for
accessing the underlying variable, rather than manipulating it (although you
can do some manipulation - that is not really how it is intended to be used).
You should use a Public Sub (say 'Public Sub SetSettleDate') to which you can
pass the text & then use the function to return the correctly cast value to
set the property.



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