Publisher 02 Imposition?



I need to imposition a 500 pages document, to 8 up, (4
front and 4 back)after printed,it will be fold in half,
and again in half (right angle),because of that,I need
printer's imposition, pages head to head, so the pressman
can print work and tumble.
Any plug in out there? or any ideas how can I do that?

Elmo P. Shagnasty

JVilla said:
I need to imposition a 500 pages document, to 8 up, (4
front and 4 back)after printed,it will be fold in half,
and again in half (right angle),because of that,I need
printer's imposition, pages head to head, so the pressman
can print work and tumble.
Any plug in out there? or any ideas how can I do that?

Print the file to Postscript, and hand it off to the printer for him to
impose, to his own specifications, using his own tools.

Or, print it to Postscript and run it through Distiller to make a PDF
file. Then use Quite Imposing or Quite Imposing Plus to do the work,
and hand the printer a fully imposed PDF file.

Rich Sweeney

I agree with Elmo, I am alway reminding my client to NOT
paginate, It just makes my job harder. If in fact you are
the printer, then you could first, print it 1 up to a
pdf, than get a program like quite imposing, or better
yet get and the best, Preps by creo.

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